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Boris III

(Encyclopedia) Boris III, 1894–1943, czar of Bulgaria (1918–43), son of Czar Ferdinand, on whose abdication he succeeded to the throne. He ruled constitutionally until 1934, then set up a military…

Joe MANCHIN, III, Congress, WV (1947)

Senate Years of Service: 2010-Party: DemocraticMANCHIN, Joe, III, a Senator from West Virginia; born August 24, 1947, in Farmington, Marion County, West Virginia; graduated Farmington High…

William Herbert HUDNUT, III, Congress, IN (1932)

HUDNUT, William Herbert, III, a Representative from Indiana; born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, October 17, 1932; graduated from the Darrow School, New Lebanon, N.Y., 1946-1950; A.B.,…

Connie MACK, III, Congress, FL (1940)

Senate Years of Service: 1989-2001Party: RepublicanMACK, Connie, III, (father of Connie Mack IV, father-in-law of Mary Bono Mack, step-grandson of Tom Connally, grandson of Morris Sheppard,…

Andrews, Charles McLean

(Encyclopedia) Andrews, Charles McLean, 1863–1943, American historian, b. Wethersfield, Conn. He was associate professor at Bryn Mawr (1889–1907) and professor at Johns Hopkins (1907–10) and Yale (…

Charles I, king of Hungary

(Encyclopedia) Charles I, 1288–1342, king of Hungary (1308–42), founder of the Angevin dynasty in Hungary; grandson of Charles II of Naples, who had married a daughter of Stephen V of Hungary. On the…

Macready, William Charles

(Encyclopedia) Macready, William CharlesMacready, William Charlesməkrēˈdē [key], 1793–1873, English actor and manager. The son of a provincial manager, he first appeared as Romeo in his father's…

Delescluze, Louis Charles

(Encyclopedia) Delescluze, Louis CharlesDelescluze, Louis Charleslwē shärl dəlāklüzˈ [key], 1809–71, French journalist and radical republican. In his active career he was often in prison or in exile…

Holy Roman Empire: Emperors

Holy Roman Empire: EmperorsCharlemagne (Charles I), emperor of the West (800–814), Carolingian king of the Franks (768–814)Charles II, emperor of the West (875–77) and king of the West Franks (843…

Charles IX, king of Sweden

(Encyclopedia) Charles IX, 1550–1611, king of Sweden (1604–11), youngest son of Gustavus I. He was duke of Södermanland, Närke, and Värmland before his accession. During the reign of his brother,…