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Cleomenes III

(Encyclopedia) Cleomenes III, c.260–219 b.c., king of Sparta (235–221 b.c.). He was probably the most energetic king Sparta ever had, a conscious imitator of Agis III (see under Agis). In his…

Eugene III

(Encyclopedia) Eugene III, d. 1153, pope (1145–53), a Pisan named Bernard (probably in full Bernardo dei Paganelli di Montemagno); successor of Lucius II. Before his election he was called Bernard of…

Amenemhet III

(Encyclopedia) Amenemhet IIIAmenemhet IIIäˌmĕnĕmˈhĕt, āˌ– [key], d. 1801 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the XII dynasty. He was the son and successor of Sesostris III, with whom he had been coregent…

Amenhotep III

(Encyclopedia) Amenhotep IIIAmenhotep IIIäˌmĕnhōˈtĕp, āˌ– [key] or Amenophis IIIAmenophis IIIăˌmĕnōˈfĭs [key], d. c.1372 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty. He succeeded his father,…

Feodor III

(Encyclopedia) Feodor III, 1661–82, czar of Russia (1676–82), son and successor of Alexis. Although an invalid, Feodor strove to carry out reforms. In 1681 he abolished the system of precedence among…

Ivan III

(Encyclopedia) Ivan III or Ivan the Great, 1440–1505, grand duke of Moscow (1462–1505), creator of the consolidated Muscovite (Russian) state. He subjugated (1478) Great Novgorod, asserted his sway…

Innocent III

(Encyclopedia) Innocent III, b. 1160 or 1161, d. 1216, pope (1198–1216), an Italian, b. Anagni, named Lotario di Segni; successor of Celestine III. Innocent III was succeeded by Honorius III. Amid…

Antiochus III

(Encyclopedia) Antiochus III (Antiochus the Great), d. 187 b.c., king of Syria (223–187 b.c.), son of Seleucus II and younger brother of Seleucus III, whom he succeeded. At his accession the Seleucid…

Antigonus III

(Encyclopedia) Antigonus III (Antigonus Doson)Antigonus IIIăntigˈənəs [key]Antigonus IIIdōˈsŏn, –sən [key], d. 221 b.c., king of Macedon. On the death of Demetrius II he became regent for Demetrius…

Honorius III

(Encyclopedia) Honorius III, d. 1227, pope (1216–27), a Roman named Cencio Savelli; successor of Innocent III. He was created cardinal in 1197 and was an able administrator of the papal treasury. He…