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Displaying 391 - 400

The Watergate Affair

  Watergate       The Major Players Alexander Haig, Nixon's civilian chief of staff (1973—74)Charles Ruff, Watergate special prosecutorSpecial Prosecutor Archibald CoxSpecial…

Emmeline Blanche Woodward Wells

Mormon community leader and suffragistBorn: Feb. 29, 1828Birthplace: Petersham, Mass Mormon community leader and suffragist. Wells was baptized into the Mormon Church in 1842, and after living for…

Caleb TOMPKINS, Congress, NY (1759-1846)

TOMPKINS, Caleb, (brother of Daniel D. Tompkins), a Representative from New York; born near Scarsdale, Westchester County, N.Y., December 22, 1759; member of the State assembly 1804-1806;…

CAMPBELL, John, Congress, MD (1765-1828)

CAMPBELL, John, a Representative from Maryland; born near Port Tobacco, Charles County, Md., September 11, 1765; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced; held several local offices;…

Henry SWEARINGEN, Congress, OH (17921849)

SWEARINGEN, Henry, a Representative from Ohio; born in the Panhandle of Virginia about 1792; moved to Ohio and settled near Steubenville; sheriff of Jefferson County, Ohio, 1824-1828 and 1830-…

Henry C. Yuen

high technology entrepreneurBorn: 1951Birthplace: China Yuen's family moved came to the United States from China when he was 17 years old. He received a B.S. in mathematics from the University of…

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Read a summary of the movie, take a quiz, and play Harry Potter Hangman   More Stuff Harry Potter Playlists Harry Potter Banned? Harry Potter Movies! Harry Potter Hangman…

Hardly water(gate) under the bridge

The Question: I have researched literally hundreds of articles and cannot find the names of the seven senators on the Senate Watergate Committee. Can you…