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Tabor, Horace Austin Warner

(Encyclopedia) Tabor, Horace Austin WarnerTabor, Horace Austin Warnertāˈbər [key], 1830–99, American prospector, known as Silver Dollar Tabor, b. Holland, Vt. From the Matchless Mine at Leadville,…

Back to School by the Numbers

From the U.S. Census Bureau Related Links School Enrollment and Educational Attainment Elementary and High School Education Higher Education     Back-to-School Shopping $…

Stock Market

Basics for bulls and bears by Holly Hartman The word stock simply refers to a supply. You may have a stock of T-shirts in your closet, or a stock of pencils in your desk. In the financial market…

Sergio Leone

director, screenwriterBorn: 1/3/1929Birthplace: Rome, Italy Originator of the “spaghetti western,” Leone created mock-serious depictions of the American West. The most famous were dominated by…

Weather: The Triple Threat

The Triple ThreatWeatherHurricanes: The Greatest Storms on EarthIt's Different in the TropicsHow It HappensThe Name GameHurricane ForecastingThe Triple Threat Hurricanes are responsible for…

Poincaré Conjecture

A million-dollar math problem by Borgna Brunner Henri Poincaré posed his famously bedeviling math problem more than a century ago. The Clay Institute's Millennium Problems Birch and…

Walton, Sam

(Encyclopedia) Walton, Sam (Samuel Moore Walton), 1918–92, American retailing executive, b. Kingfisher, Okla. After 17 years of operating franchise retail stores, he opened the first Wal-Mart…

Fourth of July by the Numbers

Census facts for July 4, 2016 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Related Links National Hot Dog Month BBQ Primer Immigration Immigrants to U.S. by Country of Origin Ethnic Concentrations in the…