Mags and RagsWriting WellSeek and Ye Shall FindBook LearningMags and RagsResearching on the I-WayYou're Not Done Yet For more timely information, check out periodicals, material that is published on…
Stock Market Goes Decimal Complicated fractions abandoned in favor of pennies
by David Johnson The New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, the world's largest, is converting to decimals. Price…
(Encyclopedia) Governors Island, 173 acres (70 hectares), in Upper New York Bay, S of Manhattan island, SE N.Y. Bought from the Native Americans by the Dutch in 1637, it was the site of an early New…
Who's Got How Much?Wealth and PovertyIntroductionWhat Is Poverty?Who's Got How Much?Why Incomes Are Becoming More UnequalWhat's the Government's Role?Other Aspects of Wealth and PovertyThe Ultimate…
Money to Burn
Inflation is a pretty natural process in an economy where the value of currency decreases over time as the supply of money increases. Inflation is part of the reason why milk used to…
The check may be in the mail
by Erin Teare Related Links Taxes Federal Taxes Collected and Spent, by State History of the U.S. Income Tax Internal Revenue Service Personal…
Natural disasters are extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors that injure people and damage property. Earthquakes, windstorms, floods, and disease all strike anywhere on earth, often…
Source: The U.S. MintStep 1: BlankingThe U.S. Mint buys strips of metal about 13 inches wide and 1,500 feet long to manufacture the nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, and dollar. The strips come…
IntroductionCommon Usage DilemmasIntroductionDangling Modifiers: CounterintelligenceMisplaced Modifiers: Lost and FoundMixed Metaphors: A Dollar Late and a Day ShortSplit Infinitives: To Boldly Go…
Born: Feb. 24, 1938Founder and chairman of Nike, Inc., the multi-billion dollar shoe and fitness company founded in 1972 and based in Beaverton, Ore. ; named “The Most Powerful Man in Sports” by…