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Lawrence Henry SMITH, Congress, WI (1892-1958)

SMITH, Lawrence Henry, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Racine, Boone County, Wis., September 15, 1892; attended the public schools and the State Teachers College, Milwaukee, Wis.;…

Andrew Lawrence SOMERS, Congress, NY (1895-1949)

SOMERS, Andrew Lawrence, a Representative from New York; born in Brooklyn, N.Y., March 21, 1895; attended St. Teresa’s Academy in Brooklyn, Brooklyn College Preparatory School, Manhattan…

James Lawrence PUGH, Congress, AL (1820-1907)

Senate Years of Service: 1880-1897Party: DemocratPUGH, James Lawrence, a Representative and a Senator from Alabama; born in Burke County, Ga., December 12, 1820; moved with his parents to…

William Lawrence SCOTT, Congress, PA (1828-1891)

SCOTT, William Lawrence, (grandson of Gustavus Scott), a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Washington, D.C., July 2, 1828; attended the common schools and Hampden-Sidney Academy in…

Lawrence Cowle PHIPPS, Congress, CO (1862-1958)

Senate Years of Service: 1919-1931Party: RepublicanPHIPPS, Lawrence Cowle, a Senator from Colorado; born in Amityville, Pa., August 30, 1862; moved with his parents to Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1867…