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Displaying 111 - 120

George Pelton LAWRENCE, Congress, MA (1859-1917)

LAWRENCE, George Pelton, a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Adams, Berkshire County, Mass., May 19, 1859; was graduated from Drury Academy in 1876 and from Amherst (Mass.) College in…

John Watson LAWRENCE, Congress, NY (1800-1888)

LAWRENCE, John Watson, a Representative from New York; born in Flushing, N.Y., in August 1800; attended the local schools; engaged as a mercantile clerk; president of the village of Flushing…

Grove Lawrence JOHNSON, Congress, CA (1841-1926)

JOHNSON, Grove Lawrence, (father of Hiram Warren Johnson), a Representative from California; born in Syracuse, N.Y., March 27, 1841; attended the common schools; studied law; was admitted to…