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Winter Olympics 2010 | Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver, Canada   Memorable Moments Franz Klammer The man who gave himself "terrible frights" Read more memorable moments Winter Olympics Through The Years…

Black Civil War Soldiers

United States > Military Affairs Comprising 10% of the Union Army, Black troops played a vital role in the American Civil War By Catherine McNiff Emancipation Proclamation Related Links…

2000 World History

Hillary Clinton(1947–) Vladimir Putin(1952–) Vicente Fox Quesada(1942–) Vojislav Kostunica(…

Classical Mythology: A Titanic Struggle

A Titanic StruggleClassical MythologyTales Of The TitanicA Titanic StruggleClash of the Titans After gaining their own freedom, the Titans made Cronus their king and freed the Cyclopes and their…

The Supreme Court: Desegregating Schools

Desegregating SchoolsThe Supreme CourtWarren CourtA Court DividedDesegregating SchoolsMandating Criminal RightsFocusing on Personal RightsLeaving the Court Let's take a close look at Warren'…

The Supreme Court: Joseph Story (1811-1845)

Joseph Story (1811-1845)The Supreme CourtGreat Minds of the CourtJoseph Story (1811-1845)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1902-1932)Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)Benjamin Cardozo (1932-1938)Hugo Black (…

The Armenian Genocide of 1915

100 years later, some still refuse to acknowledge a genocide occurred in Armenia Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, ArmeniaRelated Links Armenia Profile Turkey Profile…