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April 2006

World Shiite Bloc Urges Prime Minister to Resign (April 2): Leaders of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq call on Ibrahim al-Jaafari to resign, citing his failure to form a…

May 2006

WorldBolivia Nationalizes Natural Gas Industry (May 1): Under orders of President Evo Morales, the military takes over the country's energy fields. Moussaoui Sentenced to Life in Prison (May 3): A…

October 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World Blackwater Faces…

Entertainment Bios — L

Alan LaddDiane LaddKarl LagerfeldChristine LahtiRicki LakeVeronica LakeHedy LamarrDorothy Lamour Burt LancasterMartin LandauAnn LandersJohn LandisMichael LandonBurton LaneNathan LaneRonnie Lanek.d…

Palestinian Statehood Timeline

Palestinian Statehood Milestones on the road by Borgna Brunner 1974 1988 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 1974 November 13 Yasir Arafat addresses the United Nations General Assembly— the…

Classical Mythology: Assembling the Argonauts

Assembling the ArgonautsClassical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long…

Notable Dancers and Choreographers

Alvin Ailey, Jr. See also African-American Visual and Performing Artist Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater Personalities Women Musicians and Dancers People in the News…

Shakespeare Quotes: Histories

The better part of valour is discretion . . .   Tragedies • Histories • Comedies William Shakespeare Related Links William ShakespeareQuiz: Famous Quotes from Shakespeare…