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John Hamlin FOLGER, Congress, NC (1880-1963)

FOLGER, John Hamlin, (brother of Alonzo D. Folger), a Representative from North Carolina; born in Rockford, Surry County, N.C., December 18, 1880; attended the public schools, Guilford College…

John Downey WORKS, Congress, CA (1847-1928)

Senate Years of Service: 1911-1917Party: RepublicanWORKS, John Downey, a Senator from California; born near Rising Sun, Ohio County, Ind., March 29, 1847; attended private schools; during the…

Daniel Darwin PRATT, Congress, IN (1813-1877)

Senate Years of Service: 1869-1875Party: RepublicanPRATT, Daniel Darwin, a Senator from Indiana; born in Palermo, Maine, October 26, 1813; moved to New York with his parents, who settled in…

Information Please: 1949

1949 World | US | Economics | Sports | Entertainment | Deaths | Year in Science World Events   World StatisticsPopulation: 2.554 billion (!not right!)population by decademore world…


The first five editions of The Columbia Encyclopedia were published in 1935, 1950, 1963, 1975, and 1993. All editions owe a debt of gratitude to Clark Fisher Ansley, the editor of the first edition,…

Aaron BURR, Congress, NY (1756-1836)

Senate Years of Service: 1791-1795; 1795-1797Party: Anti-Administration; RepublicanBURR, Aaron, (cousin of Theodore Dwight), a Senator from New York and a Vice President of the United States;…

George David AIKEN, Congress, VT (1892-1984)

Senate Years of Service: 1941-1975Party: RepublicanAIKEN, George David, a Senator from Vermont; born in Dummerston, Windham County, Vt., August 20, 1892; moved with his parents to Putney, Vt…

Fred Dalton THOMPSON, Congress, TN (1942)

Senate Years of Service: 1994-2003Party: RepublicanTHOMPSON, Fred Dalton, a Senator from Tennessee; born in Sheffield, Ala., on August 19, 1942; attended the public schools in Lawrenceburg,…

Henry Agard WALLACE, Congress, (1888-1965)

WALLACE, Henry Agard, a Vice President of the United States; born on a farm near Orient, Adair County, Iowa, October 7, 1888; attended the public schools; graduated from Iowa State College at…