(Encyclopedia) LofotenLofotenlōˈfōtən [key] and VesterålenVesterålenvĕstˈərôlən [key], two contiguous island groups (1995 est. pop. 56,700), Nordland and Troms counties, NW Norway, in the Norwegian…
(Encyclopedia) parent and child, legal relationship, created by biological (birth) relationship or by adoption, that confers certain rights and duties on parent and child; in some states the courts…
(Encyclopedia) Nuneaton and BedworthNuneaton and Bedworthnənēˈtən [key], district (1991 pop. 115,300), Warwickshire, central England. The district primarily comprises the city of Nuneaton and the…
(Encyclopedia) oxidation and reduction, complementary chemical reactions characterized by the loss or gain, respectively, of one or more electrons by an atom or molecule. Originally the term…
Typical seating plan of a symphony orchestra
orchestra and orchestration, an orchestra is a musical ensemble of mixed instruments based on strings and winds, under the…
(Encyclopedia) acids and bases, two related classes of chemicals; the members of each class have a number of common properties when dissolved in a solvent, usually water.
Another theory that…
(Encyclopedia) arts and crafts, term for that general field of applied design in which hand fabrication is dominant. The term was coined in England in the late 19th cent. as a label for the then-…
(Encyclopedia) Lymington and PenningtonLymington and Penningtonlĭmˈĭngtən [key], town (1991 pop. 11,614), Hampshire, S England, on the Solent channel at the mouth of the Lymington River. It is a…
(Encyclopedia) Masters and Johnson, pioneering research team in the field of human sexuality, consisting of the gynecologist William Howell Masters, 1915–2001, b. Cleveland, and the psychologist…