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ratchet and pawl

(Encyclopedia) ratchet and pawl, mechanical device that permits motion in one direction only. The ratchet is usually a wheel with slanting teeth. The pawl is a lever tangential to the wheel with one…

Punch and Judy

(Encyclopedia) Punch and Judy, famous English puppet play, very popular with children and given widely by strolling puppet players, especially during the Christmas season. It came to England in the…

puts and calls

(Encyclopedia) puts and calls, in securities trading. A call is a contract that gives the holder the right to purchase a given stock at a specific price within a designated period of time. It is the…

Pyramus and Thisbe

(Encyclopedia) Pyramus and ThisbePyramus and Thisbepĭrˈəməs, thĭzˈbē [key], in classical mythology, youth and maiden of Babylon, whose parents opposed their marriage. Their homes adjoined, and they…

Nuneaton and Bedworth

(Encyclopedia) Nuneaton and BedworthNuneaton and Bedworthnənēˈtən [key], district (1991 pop. 115,300), Warwickshire, central England. The district primarily comprises the city of Nuneaton and the…

parent and child

(Encyclopedia) parent and child, legal relationship, created by biological (birth) relationship or by adoption, that confers certain rights and duties on parent and child; in some states the courts…

oxidation and reduction

(Encyclopedia) oxidation and reduction, complementary chemical reactions characterized by the loss or gain, respectively, of one or more electrons by an atom or molecule. Originally the term…

acids and bases

(Encyclopedia) acids and bases, two related classes of chemicals; the members of each class have a number of common properties when dissolved in a solvent, usually water. Another theory that…

orchestra and orchestration

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Typical seating plan of a symphony orchestra orchestra and orchestration, an orchestra is a musical ensemble of mixed instruments based on strings and winds, under the…