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Irish Quotations

  Those Quotable Irish   John Millington Synge, W.B. Yeats, and others   Compiled by David Johnson, Ann Marie Imbornoni, and Borgna Brunner     The Irish have always been…

Year in Review 2001 | Sports Moments

  By John Gettings, Mike Morrison, and Gerry Brown A TRAGIC FINAL LAP NASCAR's Winston Cup series didn't just lose a seven-time champion when Dale Earnhardt, 49, died in a last-lap crash at…

Year in Review 1999 | Top Sports Personalities

Top Sports PersonalitiesLance Armstrong was victorious in the Tour de France, while Serena Williams won four tournaments and blasted her way to a U.S. Open Gerry Brown, John Gettings…

Hitler, Adolf

(Encyclopedia) Hitler, AdolfHitler, Adolfäˈdôlf hĭtˈlər [key], 1889–1945, founder and leader of National Socialism (Nazism), and German dictator, b. Braunau in Upper Austria. By July, 1944,…

New Hampshire

New Hampshire State Facts Entered Union: June 21, 1788 (9th State)Present constitution adopted: 1784 Fun Facts State abbreviation/Postal code: N.H./NHNickname: Granite StateOrigin of name: From…

Fires and Explosions

Worst U.S. Forest Fires Whether you're talking about forest fires or kitchen fires, factory explosions or arson, when fires get out of control, the damage can be…


Alabama State Facts Organized as territory: March 3, 1817Entered Union: Dec. 14, 1819 (22nd State)Present constitution adopted: 1901 Fun Facts State abbreviation/Postal code: Ala./ALNickname:…


Indiana State Facts Entered Union: December 11, 1816 (19th State)Organized as territory: May 7, 1800Present constitution adopted: 1851 Fun Facts State abbreviation/Postal code: Ind./INNicknames:…

Dinosaur Discoveries

Dinosaur News Fossil finds from the miniature to the monstrous by Holly Hartman and Borgna Brunner Recent years have been a news bonanza for dinosaur fans. With the discovery of fossils…