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Classical Mythology: Undying Love: Orpheus

Undying Love: OrpheusClassical MythologyWhat the Hell? Adventures in the UnderworldHades Takes a Wife: PersephoneThe Cunning Rogue: SisyphusThe Not-So-Heavenly Host: TantalusUndying Love: Orpheus…

NCAA Basketball Tournament 1998

From the Spotlight Archive: This feature appeared in March 1998 NCAA Final Four Results Quiz Answers Correct answers are in bold text. 1. Who is the last player to win the Wooden award and the…

Members of Congress: Texas, Congress,

Biographies of of U.S. representatives and Senators from Texas Member Name Birth-Death ABBOTT, J/biography/us/congress/o (J/biography/us/congress/oseph) 1840-1908 ALGER, Bruce Reyn/…

Private Planes: Learjet 23

by David Noland Learjet 23 Specs Length: 43 ft, 3 in. Wingspan: 35 ft, 8 in. Empty weight: 6550 lbs Max takeoff weight: 12,500 lbs Max speed:…

Movies and Film: Postproduction

PostproductionMovies and FilmHow a Film is MadeDevelopment: Birth of a NotionPreproductionThe Big ProductionPostproductionSome Films Worth Viewing Postproduction takes place in the time from "That…

Algebra: Whipping Word Problems

Whipping Word Problems Algebra Whipping Word Problems Interest Problems Area and Volume Problems Speed and Distance Problems Mixture and Combination Problems The mythological Greek gods were…