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Classical Mythology: The End of Heroes

The End of HeroesClassical MythologyAll's Not Fair in Love and War: The Fall of TroyThe Face That Launched a Thousand ShipsThe Final Battles: The Tenth Year of the WarThe End of Heroes The war cost…

Classical Mythology: The Model Hero: Perseus

The Model Hero: PerseusClassical MythologyThe Model Hero: PerseusA Face Only a Mother Could LoveHomeward BoundA Family Reunion Could there be a hero more virtuous than Perseus? A model of chivalry,…

Classical Mythology: To War!

To War!Classical MythologyAchilles: The Angry Young HeroDon't Try This at Home!To War!The Final Battles With Phoenix's help, Odysseus persuaded Achilles to help the Greek cause even though he had…

Classical Mythology: Training a Hero

Training a HeroClassical MythologyThe Labors of HeraclesTraining a HeroBeastly Chores: The First Four LaborsEven More Beastly Chores: The Second Four LaborsThe Far Corners of the Earth: The Final…

Clinton, Sir Henry

(Encyclopedia) Clinton, Sir Henry, 1738?–1795, British general in the American Revolution, b. Newfoundland; son of George Clinton (1686?–1761). He was an officer in the New York militia and then in…

Writing Well: How's That Again? Logical Fallacies

How's That Again? Logical FallaciesWriting WellWhy Not See It My Way?: Persuasion and ArgumentationA + B = C: Appeal to ReasonTake the High Road: Appeal to EthicsTug the Heartstrings: Appeal to…