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Fireworks Facts

A brief history of the world's favorite explosives by Holly Hartman RELATED LINKS Fireworks Jigsaw Game  New! Star-Spangled Banner Pyrotechnics History…

Algebra: Dastardly Distribution

Dastardly Distribution Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…

DK Science: Biographies

Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte De Buffon 1707–1788Georges Cuvier 1769–1832Alexandre Brongniart 1770–1847William Buckland 1784–1856Gideon Mantell 1790–1852Mary Anning 1799–1847Richard Owen 1804–…

Members of Congress: Colorado, Congress,

Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Colorado Member Name Birth-Death ADAMS, Alva Blanchard 1875-1941 ALLARD, A. Wayne 1943-  ALLOTT, Gordon Llewellyn 1907-1989…

Internet Resource Guide

The Internet has become a convenient tool for finding information on just about anything. Because sifting through search engine returns can be more time-consuming than a trek to the library, we’ve…

Back to School at the Movies

Lights! Camera! Learning!The best of British literature by Beth Rowen EmmaPaltrow's winsome matchmaker Recent film offerings suggest the enduring appeal of Jane Austen's storytelling. In the…

Classical Mythology: A Lot of Bull

A Lot of BullClassical MythologyLucky in War, Unlucky in Love: TheseusRoad WarriorA Lot of BullKing Theseus Wants a WifeMidlife Crisis: The Abduction of Helen Having rid the isthmus and its…

Classical Mythology: In Search of Adventure

In Search of AdventureClassical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long…