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Displaying 361 - 370

Classical Mythology: Hi, Honey, I'm Home!

Hi, Honey, I'm Home!Classical MythologyTake the Long Way Home: OdysseusGoing Home So Soon? Not Bloody LikelyThe Poseidon AdventuresEeek! Sea Monsters!Hi, Honey, I'm Home! Once onboard the Phaeacian…

Classical Mythology: Tales Of The Titanic

Tales Of The TitanicClassical MythologyTales Of The TitanicA Titanic StruggleClash of the Titans No doubt about it, the Creation, was a monumental feat. One might have thought that Gaia, Mother…

Classical Mythology: The Cunning Rogue: Sisyphus

The Cunning Rogue: SisyphusClassical MythologyWhat the Hell? Adventures in the UnderworldHades Takes a Wife: PersephoneThe Cunning Rogue: SisyphusThe Not-So-Heavenly Host: TantalusUndying Love:…

Classical Mythology: The Kindness of Strangers

The Kindness of StrangersClassical MythologyEat, Drink, and Be Merry: DionysusSex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: Dionysus on TourYo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Wine!The Kindness of Strangers Though…

Classical Mythology: The Poseidon Adventures

The Poseidon AdventuresClassical MythologyTake the Long Way Home: OdysseusGoing Home So Soon? Not Bloody LikelyThe Poseidon AdventuresEeek! Sea Monsters!Hi, Honey, I'm Home! After the ships had left…

Algebra: Dastardly Distribution

Dastardly Distribution Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…

Fireworks Facts

A brief history of the world's favorite explosives by Holly Hartman RELATED LINKS Fireworks Jigsaw Game  New! Star-Spangled Banner Pyrotechnics History…