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Writing Well: An Affair to Remember

An Affair to RememberWriting WellPicture This: DescriptionHelp Is on the Way!Make a Deposit in the Idea BankTake the PlungeColor My WorldMusic to the EyesTools of the TradeAn Affair to Remember…

Writing Well: An Embarrassment of Riches

An Embarrassment of RichesWriting WellCast a Critical EyeAn Embarrassment of RichesOn the Right Track Author! Author! The average professional (that's you!) is required to read about four million…

Writing Well: APA Documentation

APA DocumentationWriting WellDocumentation FormatCiting Electronic Sources and CD-ROMsCiting Radio Shows and TV ShowsAPA Documentation American Psychological Association (APA) documentation is used…

Writing Well: Book Learning

Book LearningWriting WellSeek and Ye Shall FindBook LearningMags and RagsResearching on the I-WayYou're Not Done Yet Books are “user friendly”—they're light, easy to use, and familiar. They can't…

Writing Well: Documentation Format

Documentation FormatWriting WellDocumentation FormatCiting Electronic Sources and CD-ROMsCiting Radio Shows and TV ShowsAPA Documentation MLA Documentation The Modern Language Association (MLA)…

Writing Well: Full Credit

Full CreditWriting WellWriting Across the CurriculumDifferent Strokes for Different FolksPlaying with the Big KidsFull CreditTwo's Company, Three's a Crowd— Unless You're Writing Writer's Block To…

Writing Well: Get Cookin'!

Get Cookin'!Writing WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives When you write a short story or other narrative, you can rework an incident from…

Writing Well: Help Is on the Way!

Help Is on the Way!Writing WellPicture This: DescriptionHelp Is on the Way!Make a Deposit in the Idea BankTake the PlungeColor My WorldMusic to the EyesTools of the TradeAn Affair to Remember Last…

Writing Well: In the End Zone

In the End ZoneWriting WellIn the End ZoneCredit Given HereStop, Thief!Light at the End of the Tunnel A thesis doesn't become a fact just because you line up some proof. You could find three or more…

Writing Well: Letter Perfect

Letter PerfectWriting WellLetter PerfectStamp of ApprovalPeople Who Like People: Social NotesLetters of Opinion As much as we use the telephone to reach out and touch someone, there are times when…