Boyle's Law: Why Compressed Gas Is SmallChemistryGas LawsBoyle's Law: Why Compressed Gas Is SmallCharles's Law: The Incredible Imploding CanGay-Lussac's Law: Spray Paint + Campfire = Bad NewsThe…
Gas StoichiometryChemistryStoichiometryStoichiometry: Fun to Say, Fun to Do!Simple Stoichiometry CalculationsLimiting Reactant ProblemsGas Stoichiometry Though we've limited our discussion of…
Shake It Up: MixturesChemistryElements, Compounds, and MixturesPure SubstancesShake It Up: MixturesColloids: Somewhere in BetweenSeparating Mixtures Mixtures are materials that contain more than…
TitrationsChemistryAcids and BasesWhat Are Acids and Bases?Properties of Acids and BasesThe pH ScaleTitrationsBuffers I found a bottle in the stockroom of my lab about a year ago. When I opened it…
What Are Gases?ChemistryThe Kinetic Molecular Theory of GasesWhat Are Gases?The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases: Why Gases Do What They DoWhy This Is Important: Ideal GasesImportant Terms and…
What's an Ionic Compound?ChemistryIonic CompoundsWhat's an Ionic Compound?How Ionic Compounds Are FormedProperties of Ionic CompoundsWhat's in a Name? Ionic Nomenclature We talked about the octet…
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Check out the lists of minorities and women in the 110th Congress, along with which state and political party they represented. The 110th Congress was the meeting of the legislative branch of the…
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