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Women in the 113th Congress

This table provides the name and state of the women serving in the 113th Congress, which began in 2013. There are 81 women in the House of Representatives and 20 women in the Senate. State…

Women in the 114th Congress

This table provides the name and state of the women serving in the 114th Congress, which began in 2015. There are 85 women in the House of Representatives and 20 women in the Senate. State…

2006 Notable Books for Children

These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…

Giving Pledge Participants

The United States is home to roughly 40% of the world's billionaires. About 10% of America's richest citizens have committed to participate in the Giving Pledge and donate at least 50% of their…

Summer Solstice for Kids

In 2017, summer begins June 21, 12:24 A.M. EDT (04:34 UT*) by Karen Barss Related Links Earth's Seasons: Video and Activities Summer Solstice The Solar System The Sun Did you…

Federal Obesity Guidelines

First Federal Obesity Guidelines:More than Half of All Americans are Too Fat Source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Overweight and obesity continue to be an alarming public health problem…

Worst U.S. Man-Made Disasters

In Jan. 2016, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency for Genesee County and apologized for the water crisis in Flint. In an interview with the National…

Korematsu Day

Celebrating a man who never gave up on his rights by Jennie Wood On January 30, 2011, California celebrated its first Korematsu Day, a holiday established to honor Fred Korematsu, a Japanese…

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

(Encyclopedia) Clinton, Hillary RodhamClinton, Hillary Rodhamrŏdˈəm [key], 1947–, U.S. senator and secretary of state, wife of President Bill Clinton, b. Chicago, grad. Wellesley College (B.A. 1969…

2004 Notable Books for Children

These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…