CHOCOLA, Chris, a Representative from Indiana; born in Jackson, Jackson County, Mich., on February 24, 1962; B.L.S., Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich., 1984; J.D., Thomas Cooley Law School,…
Black History Month is observed every February in the United States. Learn about the history of Black History Month, read biographies of famous African Americans, try our quizzes and crosswords…
African American Quizzes & Crosswords: History, Women, Leaders, Artists & Athletes
Black History Month is observed every February in the United States. Test your knowledge about black…
African American Quizzes & Crosswords: History, Women, Leaders, Artists & Athletes
Black History Month is observed every February in the United States. Test your knowledge about black…
History of Black History & African American Timeline (Civil Rights, Famous People) Black History Month is observed every February in the United States. Learn about famous firsts by…
Black History Month is observed every February in the United States. Learn about the history of Black History Month, read biographies of famous African Americans, try our quizzes, find stats and…
Women's History Month is observed every March in the United States. Learn about the history of Women's History Month, read biographies of famous women, try our quizzes and crosswords, find stats…
Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/…
actressBorn: 6/2/1978Birthplace: Los Angeles, California Actress best known for her role as sassy 16-year-old Tiffany Malloy on the TV show Unhappily Ever After (1995). Already aspiring to showbiz…
actress, singerBorn: 3/18/1963Birthplace: Milwood, New York After making headlines as the first African-American to be crowned Miss America (1983) and for the photos subsequently published in…