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Celan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Celan, PaulCelan, Paulpôl sālŏn [key], pseud. of Paul AntschelCelan, Pauläntˈshschwa;l [key], 1920–70, Romanian-French poet. Although he spent his early years in Romania and his later…

Cézanne, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cézanne, PaulCézanne, Paulpōl sāzänˈ [key], 1839–1906, French painter, b. Aix-en-Provence. Cézanne was the leading figure in the revolution toward abstraction in modern painting.…

Bremer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bremer, Paul (Lewis Paul Bremer 3d)Bremer, Paulbrĕˈmər [key], 1941–, U.S. diplomat and government official, b. Hartford, Conn. A career diplomat in the Foreign Service from 1966 to…

Broca, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Broca, PaulBroca, Paulpōl brôkäˈ [key], 1824–80, French pathologist, anthropologist, and pioneer in neurosurgery. A professor in Paris at the Faculty of Medicine and at the…

Whiteman, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Whiteman, Paul, 1891–1967, American conductor, b. Denver. Whiteman played viola in the Denver Symphony Orchestra and in 1915 joined the San Francisco Symphony. During World War I he…

Verlaine, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Verlaine, PaulVerlaine, Paulpōl vĕrlĕnˈ [key], 1844–96, French poet. He gained some notice with the Parnassian poetry of Poèmes saturniens (1866) and Fêtes galantes (1869) and became a…

Ron Paul: Campaign Issues

Where he stands   Ron PaulRelated Links Barack Obama: Campaign Issues Campaign 2012 Closest Presidential Races…

Rand Paul: Campaign Issues

Where he stands Rand Paul Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Related Links Rand Paul Biography Rand Paul Website Closest Presidential…

Paul H. O'Neill

George W. Bush's secretary of the Treasury Born: 12/4/1935Birthplace: St. Louis, Mo. O'Neill served as secretary of the treasury for the first two years of George W. Bush's presidency, a period…

Paul RYAN, Congress, WI (1970)

RYAN, Paul, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Janesville, Rock County, Wis., January 29, 1970; graduated from Joseph A. Craig High School, Janesville, Wis.; B.A., Miami University,…