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Krugman, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Krugman, PaulKrugman, Paulkr&oomacr;gˈmən [key], 1953–, American economist, b. Long Island, N.Y., grad. Yale (B.A., 1974), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D., 1977). A…

Klee, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Klee, PaulKlee, Paulpoul klā [key], 1879–1940, Swiss painter, graphic artist, and art theorist, b. near Bern. Klee's enormous production (more than 10,000 paintings, drawings, and…

Kane, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Kane, Paul, 1810–71, Canadian painter, b. Ireland. Kane went to Toronto as a child. He studied art in the United States (1836–41) and in Europe (1841–45). After his return to Canada (…

Kondouriotis, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Kondouriotis, PaulKondouriotis, Paulkônd&oomacr;ryôˈtĭs [key], 1857–1935, Greek admiral and statesman. He became a national hero through his victories over the Turkish fleet in the…

Karrer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Karrer, Paul, 1889–1971, Swiss organic chemist, Ph.D. Univ. of Zürich, 1911. From 1912 to 1918, Karrer was a chemist at the Georg Speyer Haus, Frankfurt-am-Main. He left in 1919 to…

Painlevé, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Painlevé, PaulPainlevé, Paulpōl păNləvāˈ [key], 1863–1933, French statesman and mathematician. A mathematical prodigy when a child, he entered on a career devoted to science. He was a…

Paul, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Paul, Saint, d. a.d. 64? or 67?, the apostle to the Gentiles, b. Tarsus, Asia Minor. He was a Jew. His father was a Roman citizen, probably of some means, and Paul was a tentmaker by…

Paul II

(Encyclopedia) Paul II, 1417–71, pope (1464–71), a Venetian named Pietro Barbo; successor of Pius II. He was a nephew of Eugene IV. A Renaissance pope, he patronized printing, beautified and improved…

Paul III

(Encyclopedia) Paul III, 1468–1549, pope (1534–49), a Roman named Alessandro Farnese; successor of Clement VII. He was created cardinal by Alexander VI, and his influence increased steadily. A very…

Paul IV

(Encyclopedia) Paul IV, 1476–1559, pope (1555–59), a Neapolitan named Gian Pietro Carafa; successor of Marcellus II. First superior of the Theatines (see Cajetan, Saint), he was sternly ascetic. A…