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Kagame, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Kagame, PaulKagame, Paulkägäˈmə [key], 1957–, Rwandan political leader. Kagame was born into a Tutsi family that fled (1960) ethnic violence in Rwanda. Raised in Uganda, he became a…

Jean Paul

(Encyclopedia) Jean Paul: see Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich.

Ehrenfest, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Ehrenfest, PaulEhrenfest, Paulpoul āˈrənfĕst [key], 1880–1933, Austrian physicist. In 1904, Ehrenfest received his doctorate in theoretical physics in Vienna and married the Russian…

Ehrlich, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Ehrlich, PaulEhrlich, Paulpoul ārˈlĭkh [key], 1854–1915, German bacteriologist. He directed (1896) an institute for serum research at Steglitz, near Berlin, that was transferred (1899…

Delvaux, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Delvaux, Paul, 1897–1994, Belgian painter. Delvaux, influenced by Magritte and Chirico, created meticulous surreal compositions based on Renaissance ideas of perspective and peopled…

Dessau, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Dessau, PaulDessau, Pauldĕsˈou [key], 1894–1979, German conductor and composer. As a conductor he worked (1919–23) in Cologne before moving to Berlin from 1925 until 1933. A fervent…

Doumer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Doumer, PaulDoumer, Paulpōl d&oomacr;mârˈ [key], 1857–1932, president of the French republic (1931–32). He entered the chamber of deputies in 1888, was governor-general of…

Dukas, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Dukas, PaulDukas, Paulpōl dükäˈ [key], 1865–1935, French composer and critic. He was influenced by both the romanticism of Wagner and the impressionism of Debussy. His compositions are…

Creston, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Creston, Paul, 1906–85, American composer, b. New York City as Guiseppe Guttoveggio. Creston was largely self-taught in composition. His music is generally tonal and conservative.…