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Kingdoms & Monarchs of the World

Here is a list of the current monarchs throughout the world. King Albert II, Belgium King Norodom Sihamoni, Cambodia Emperor Akihito, Japan King Abdullah II, Jordan Prince Albert II, Monaco…

Innocent III

(Encyclopedia) Innocent III, b. 1160 or 1161, d. 1216, pope (1198–1216), an Italian, b. Anagni, named Lotario di Segni; successor of Celestine III. Innocent III was succeeded by Honorius III. Amid…

Hundred Years War

(Encyclopedia) Hundred Years War, 1337–1453, conflict between England and France. The Hundred Years War inflicted untold misery on France. Farmlands were laid waste, the population was decimated by…


(Encyclopedia) WürttembergWürttembergvürˈtəmbĕrkˌ [key], former state, SW Germany. Württemberg was formerly also spelled Würtemberg and Wirtemberg. The former state bordered on Baden in the northwest…

Alleyn, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Alleyn, EdwardAlleyn, Edwardălˈĭn [key], 1566–1626, English actor. He was the foremost member of the Admiral's Men, joining the group c.1587, and was the only rival of Richard Burbage…

Fischart, Johann

(Encyclopedia) Fischart, JohannFischart, Johannyōˈhän fĭshˈärt [key], b. 1548, d. 1590 or 1591, German satirist and moralist. He lived in Strasbourg. He translated and paraphrased works by Rabelais…


(Encyclopedia) apology [Gr.,=defense], literary work that defends, justifies, or clarifies an author's ideas or point of view. Unlike the ordinary use of the word, the literary use neither implies…

Flamininus, Titus Quinctius

(Encyclopedia) Flamininus, Titus QuinctiusFlamininus, Titus Quinctiustīˈtəs kwĭngkˈshəs flămĭnīˈnəs [key], c.230–175 b.c., Roman general and statesman. He served in the Second Punic War against…


(Encyclopedia) NivernaisNivernaisnēvĕrnāˈ [key], region and former province, central France. It roughly coincides with Nièvre dept. Drained by the Loire and the Yonne, it is a hilly plateau, rising…

Leoni, Leone

(Encyclopedia) Leoni, LeoneLeoni, Leonelāōˈnā lāōˈnē [key], 1509–90, Italian sculptor and medalist, called Leone Aretino. Entering the service of the emperor, Charles V, he devoted himself to making…