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Displaying 221 - 230

Abbey Theatre

(Encyclopedia) Abbey Theatre, Irish theatrical company devoted primarily to indigenous drama. W. B. Yeats was a leader in founding (1902) the Irish National Theatre Society with Lady Gregory, J. M.…

Athanasius, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Athanasius, SaintAthanasius, Saintăthənāˈzhəs [key], c.297–373, patriarch of Alexandria (328–73), Doctor of the Church, great champion of orthodoxy during the Arian crisis of the 4th…

Closest Super Bowls of All Time: XXIII

Jennie Wood 1. XXV  2. XLVII  3. XLII  4. XXXIX  5. XXXVIII  6. XXXVI  7. V  8. XLVI  9. XLIII  10. XXIII  11. XIII  12. X XXIII San Francisco 49ers defeat Cincinnati Bengals, 20-16, 1988…


(Encyclopedia) InquisitionInquisitionĭnˌkwĭzĭshˈən [key], tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church established for the investigation of heresy. The Spanish Inquisition was independent of the medieval…

Roman Catholic Church

(Encyclopedia) Roman Catholic Church, Christian church headed by the pope, the bishop of Rome (see papacy and Peter, Saint). Its commonest title in official use is Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church…


Table of the Major Faiths Major Religions of the World U.S. Religious Sects Originating in the 19th Century Judaism Primer Islam Primer Top Organized Religions of the World Largest U.S.…

Hildegard Knef

actress and singerBorn: Dec. 28, 1925Birthplace: Ulm, Germany Knef, a German actress and smoky-voiced singer, earned fame in the U.S. for her performance as a Soviet commissar in Cole Porter's Silk…

Closest Super Bowls of All Time: X

Jennie Wood 1. XXV  2. XLVII  3. XLII  4. XXXIX  5. XXXVIII  6. XXXVI  7. V  8. XLVI  9. XLIII  10. XXIII  11. XIII  12. X X Pittsburgh Steelers defeat Dallas Cowboys, 21-17, 1975 Season At…

Closest Super Bowls of All Time: XLVII

Jennie Wood 1. XXV  2. XLVII  3. XLII  4. XXXIX  5. XXXVIII  6. XXXVI  7. V  8. XLVI  9. XLIII  10. XXIII  11. XIII  12. X XLVII Baltimore Ravens defeat San Francisco 49ers, 34-31, 2012 Season…

Closest Super Bowls of All Time: XLII

Jennie Wood 1. XXV  2. XLVII  3. XLII  4. XXXIX  5. XXXVIII  6. XXXVI  7. V  8. XLVI  9. XLIII  10. XXIII  11. XIII  12. X XLII New York Giants defeat New England Patriots, 17-14, 2007 Season…