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Honorius II

(Encyclopedia) Honorius II, d. 1130, pope (1124–30), an Italian named Lamberto, b. Bologna; successor of Calixtus II. Before becoming pope he spent several years in Germany adjusting the quarrel over…

Eugene III

(Encyclopedia) Eugene III, d. 1153, pope (1145–53), a Pisan named Bernard (probably in full Bernardo dei Paganelli di Montemagno); successor of Lucius II. Before his election he was called Bernard of…


(Encyclopedia) FormosusFormosusfôrmōˈsəs [key], c.816–896, pope (891–96), probably a Roman; successor of Stephen VI. Under Pope Nicholas I he had been bishop in Bulgaria, where he pursued a rigorous…

Norman, Greg

(Encyclopedia) Norman, Greg (Gregory John Norman), 1955–, Australian golfer, b. Mt. Isa, Queensland. Noted for his power, the “White Shark,” a professional since 1976, is tremendously popular with…

Abbott, Greg

(Encyclopedia) Abbott, Greg (Gregory Wayne Abbott), 1957–, U.S. lawyer and politician, b. Wichita Falls, Tex. A conservative Republican, he worked in private practice and served as a state judge,…

Ferrer Guardia, Francisco

(Encyclopedia) Ferrer Guardia, FranciscoFerrer Guardia, Franciscofränthēsˈkō fārārˈ gwärˈdyä [key], 1859–1909, Spanish political theorist and educator. An ardent liberal, anticlerical, and republican…

Ptolemy XIV

(Encyclopedia) Ptolemy XIV, d. 44 b.c., king of ancient Egypt (47–44 b.c.), the last of the Macedonian dynasty, but for his sister, Cleopatra. He was a child when his brother Ptolemy XIII drowned.…

Constantinople, First Council of

(Encyclopedia) Constantinople, First Council of, 381, second ecumenical council. It was convened by Theodosius I, then emperor of the East and a recent convert, to confirm the victory over Arianism.…

Leo III, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Leo III (Leo the Isaurian or Leo the Syrian), c.680–741, Byzantine emperor (717–41). He was probably born in N Syria (rather than in Isauria, as once thought). He held diplomatic and…