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Gustavus SESSINGHAUS, Congress, MO (1838-1887)

SESSINGHAUS, Gustavus, a Representative from Missouri; born in Koela, Prussia, November 8, 1838; pursued preparatory studies; immigrated to the United States and settled in St. Louis, Mo.;…

S. S. Kresge

(Sebastian Spering Kresge) merchant, philanthropistBorn: 7/31/1867Birthplace: Bald Mount, Pa. With a newly minted business degree in hand, Kresge worked as a traveling tinware salesman (1890–97)…

Tim GRIFFIN, Congress, AR (1968)

GRIFFIN, Tim, a Representative from Arkansas; born in Charlotte, Mecklenberg County, North Carolina, on August 21, 1968; B.A., Hendrix College, Conway, Ark., 1990; attended Pembroke College,…

John Vaudain CREELY, Congress, PA (1839-1900)

CREELY, John Vaudain, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Philadelphia, Pa., November 14, 1839; received a classical education; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1862 and…

Paul LEIDY, Congress, PA (1813-1877)

LEIDY, Paul, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Hemlock Township, Columbia County, Pa., November 13, 1813; attended the common schools; apprenticed as a tailor; taught school in…

Daniel Andrew MICA, Congress, FL (1944)

MICA, Daniel Andrew, a Representative from Florida; born in Binghamton, Broome County, N.Y., February 4, 1944; attended Horace Mann School, Binghamton, N.Y., 1950; graduated, Miami Edison High…

Supreme Court Justices (table)

(Encyclopedia) Supreme Court Justices(including dates on bench) Chief Justices John Jay 1789–95 John Rutledge 1795 Oliver Ellsworth 1796–1800 John Marshall 1801–35 Roger B. Taney 1836–64…