(Encyclopedia) Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847–1919, American woman-suffrage leader, b. England. She emigrated (1851) to the United States in early childhood and grew up on a farm in Michigan. She received a…
actorBorn: 6/25/1982Birthplace: Knoxville, Tennessee Known for playing opposite seasoned actors, Brad Renfro's career started accidentally. While still in elementary school, Renfro was asked to…
Food shortages and price increases spark violence and debate
by Mark Hughes
Food shortages have been reported worldwide. Related Links Year of the Potato Underreported Humanitarian…
actor, director, screenwriter, producerBorn: 10/16/1958Birthplace: West Covina, California Extremely talented Academy Award nominated director who is adept in most phases of film making and is at…
These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…
actorBorn: 9/15/1946Birthplace: San Saba, Texas Academy- and Emmy Award-winning film and television actor best known for his role in The Fugitive (1993) that won him the supporting actor Oscar.…
The ancient Egyptians thought onions kept evil spirits away. When they took an oath (made a promise), they placed one hand on an onion. The custom of throwing rice at weddings goes back to the…
For thousands of years, farmers have improved their crops by crossbreeding plants that have good traits. They take pollen from one plant and add it to the flowers of another plant to produce a…
Continent: Southeastern AsiaClimate: Tropical. Monsoon season runs from May to November School: Only about 45% of Cambodian kids finish elementary school. The figure is much lower for children who…