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Flathead, river, Canada and the United States

(Encyclopedia) FlatheadFlatheadflătˈhĕd [key], river, c.240 mi (390 km) long, rising as the North Fork, in SE British Columbia, Canada, and flowing generally SE through NW Montana, to Coram, where it…

Kootenai, river, Canada and the United States

(Encyclopedia) KootenaiKootenaik&oomacr;ˈtĭnā [key], river, 407 mi (655 km) long, rising in the Rocky Mts., SE British Columbia, Canada. It flows S into NW Montana, NW through N Idaho, then N…

Keokuk, chief of the Sac and Fox

(Encyclopedia) KeokukKeokukkēˈəkək [key], c.1780–1848, Native American, chief of the Sac and Fox, b. near present-day Rock Island, Ill. When Black Hawk supported the British in the War of 1812,…

Kingstown, town, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

(Encyclopedia) Kingstown, town (1989 est. pop. 19,300), capital of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies. The chief port of St. Vincent, Kingstown is an export center for the island's…

Yukon, river, Canada and the United States

(Encyclopedia) YukonYukony&oomacr;ˈkŏn [key], river, c.2,000 mi (3,220 km) long, rising in Atlin Lake, NW British Columbia, Canada, and receiving numerous headwater streams; one of the longest…


(Encyclopedia) Durgapur Durgapur d&oobreve;rˈgäp&oobreve;r [key], city, West Bengal state, E central India, on…

Goldwyn, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Goldwyn, SamuelGoldwyn, Samuelgōlˈdwĭn [key], 1882–1974, American film producer, b. Warsaw, Poland. Goldwyn arrived in the United States in 1896, and with Jesse L. Lasky and Cecil B.…


(Encyclopedia) YenakiyeveYenakiyeveyĕnəkēˈyəvə [key], Rus. Yenakiyevo, city (1989 pop. 120,000), SE Ukraine, on the Krynka River. It is a center for coal, iron, and steel industries, and for coke-…