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Air Force, United States Department of the

(Encyclopedia) Air Force, United States Department of the, military department within the U.S. Dept. of Defense (see Defense, United States Department of). The Air Force traces its roots to the…

W and Z particles

(Encyclopedia) W and Z particles, elementary particles that mediate, or carry, the fundamental force associated with weak interactions. The discovery of the W and Z particles at CERN near Geneva,…

South, the

(Encyclopedia) South, the, region of the United States embracing the southeastern and south-central parts of the country. Traditionally, all states S of the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River (…

Ozarks, the

(Encyclopedia) Ozarks, the, or Ozark Plateau, upland region, actually a dissected plateau, c.50,000 sq mi (129,500 sq km), chiefly in S Mo. and N Ark., but partly in Oklahoma and Kansas, between the…

Comoros, the

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Comoros, the Comoros, the kŏmˈərōs [key], officially Union of the Comoros (2020 est. pop. 869,…

Bahamas, the

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Bahamas, the Bahamas, the bəhäˈməz [key], officially Commonwealth of the Bahamas, independent…

Supremes, The

(Encyclopedia) Supremes, The, American vocal group, 1962-77. The Supremes were formed in Detroit, Mi., and were originally known as the Primettes—a…

Philippines, The

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Philippines, ThePhilippines, Thefĭlˈəpēnzˌ [key], officially Republic of the Philippines, republic (2015 est. pop. 101,716,000), 115,830 sq mi (300,000 sq km), SW Pacific, in…

Pearl, The

(Encyclopedia) Pearl, The, one of four Middle English alliterative poems, all contained in a manuscript of c.1400, composed in the West Midland dialect, almost certainly by the same anonymous author…

Downs, The

(Encyclopedia) Downs, The, roadstead, c.8 mi (13 km) long and 6 mi (9.7 km) wide, between North Foreland and South Foreland, off Deal, Kent, SE England, in the English Channel. It is protected,…