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Anatomy and
Physiology: How Hormones Work

How Hormones WorkAnatomy and PhysiologyHormonesFeedback: Not Just for GuitarsHow Hormones WorkHypothalamus: The Head HonchoPituitary: The First LieutenantThyroidKidneys: Not Just for Urine!Pancreas…

DK Science: Sight

PARTS OF THE EYE IMAGE FORMATION FROM EYES TO BRAIN CHANGING PUPIL SIZE COLOUR VISION FIND OUT MORE Whenever we are awake, our eyes work constantly to collect information about the world.…

pacemaker, artificial

(Encyclopedia) pacemaker, artificial, device used to stimulate a rhythmic heartbeat by means of electrical impulses. Implanted in the body when the heart's own electrical conduction system (natural…

Dermot Mulroney

actor, musician, producerBorn: 10/31/1963Birthplace: Alexandria, Virginia Television and film actor who has long been lauded for his respectable performances in both independent and commercial…

Genetically Modified Foods

For thousands of years, farmers have improved their crops by crossbreeding plants that have good traits. They take pollen from one plant and add it to the flowers of another plant to produce a…

Rogers, Roy

(Encyclopedia) Rogers, Roy, 1911–98, American Western film star, b. Cincinnati, Ohio, as Leonard Franklin Slye. The guitar-strumming Rogers succeeded Gene Autry as America's favorite singing cowboy…


(Encyclopedia) triggerfish, any of several species of tropical reef fishes with laterally compressed bodies, heavy scales, and tough skins. They are named for the mechanism of the three spines of the…


An avalanche is any swift movement of snow, ice, mud, or rock down a mountainside or slope. Avalanches, which are natural forms of erosion and often seasonal, can reach speeds of more than 200…


Source: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) A tsunami (pronounced soo-nahm-ee) is a series of huge waves that happen after an undersea disturbance, such as an earthquake or volcano…

Ménière's disease

(Encyclopedia) Ménière's diseaseMénière's diseasemən-yĕrzˈ [key], disorder of the inner ear characterized by recurrent vertigo combined with hearing loss and tinnitus (a ringing sensation). It was…