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Kawasaki disease

(Encyclopedia) Kawasaki disease or Kawasaki syndrome, acute illness characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels that primarily affects young children; it is more common in boys and children of…


rock band Glaswegian rock quartet Travis gained popularity as part of the late '90s “back-to-basics” movement in British pop triggered by rival Oasis' dominance of record charts worldwide. Beatles…

DK Science: Behaviour Cycles

MIGRATING REINDEERLONG JOURNEY HOMELONG-DISTANCE NAVIGATIONMONARCH MARATHONDORMANCYFIND OUT MOREAnimals have many instinctive behaviours that are linked to climate. Seasonal changes trigger…


(Encyclopedia) asthmaasthmaăzˈmə, ăsˈ– [key], chronic inflammatory respiratory disease characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, and a tight feeling in the chest. A cough…


(Encyclopedia) sprue, chronic disorder of the small intestine caused by impaired absorption of fat and other nutrients. Two forms of the disease exist. Tropical sprue occurs in central and northern…

DK Science: Hearing

HEARING APPARATUS OF THE EAR SENSORY HAIRS IN COCHLEA FIND OUT MORE Our ears allow us to detect sounds, which pass through the air as waves of varying pressure. On reaching the ear, the waves…

DK Science: Smell

SMELL RECEPTOR CELLS IN ROOF OF NOSE CILIA OF SMELL RECEPTOR CELL FIND OUT MORE Humans have a very keen sense of smell: we can detect thousands of different smells. This ability relies on the…

DK Science: Taste

PAPILLAE ON SURFACE OF TONGUE TASTE RECEPTOR CELLS IN A TASTE BUD FIND OUT MORE We can taste substances in food and drink thanks to the 10,000 or so taste buds located on structures, called…


Rabbits How to Care for Rabbits Rabbits may be easy to love, but they're not quite as easy to care for. Rabbits are social creatures and wonderful companions to people who take the time to…