(Encyclopedia) Freneau, PhilipFreneau, Philipfrēnōˈ [key], 1752–1832, American poet and journalist, b. New York City, grad. Princeton, 1771. During the American Revolution he served as soldier and…
(Encyclopedia) grosbeakgrosbeakgrōsˈbēk [key] [great beak], common name for various members of the family Fringillidae (finch family). Grosbeaks are characterized by their large conical bills. The…
(Encyclopedia) hybridhybridhīˈbrĭd [key], term applied by plant and animal breeders to the offspring of a cross between two different subspecies or species, and by geneticists to the offspring of…
(Encyclopedia) Donovan, William JosephDonovan, William Josephdŏnˈəvən [key], 1883–1959, U.S. lawyer and government official, b. Buffalo, N.Y., grad. Columbia law school. Distinguished service in…
(Encyclopedia) cowboys, in American history. 1 Tory marauders, adherents to the British cause in the American Revolution, who fought in the contested area of Westchester co., N.Y. Their opposite…
(Encyclopedia) pimento or allspice, common names for a tree (Pimenta dioica or P. officinalis) of the family Myrtaceae (myrtle family) cultivated in the West Indies for its dried unripe berries, used…
(Encyclopedia) sagosagosāˈgō [key] [Malay], edible starch extracted from the pithlike center of several E Asian palms (chiefly Metroxylon sagu) or sometimes of cycads. The starch is an important item…
(Encyclopedia) sarsaparillasarsaparillasärsˌpərĭlˈə, săsˌ– [key], common name for various plants belonging to two different classes and also for an extract from their roots, formerly much used in…
(Encyclopedia) nut, in botany, a dry one-seeded fruit which is indehiscent (i.e., does not split open along a definite seam at maturity). Among the true nuts are the acorn, chestnut, and hazelnut.…
(Encyclopedia) Wildsmith, Brian Lawrence, 1930–2016, English children's book author and illustrator. He attended the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London (1949–52), and served in the…