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DK History: History Of Canada

CANADA’S PROVINCES AND TERRITORIESFIND OUT MOREThe first people in Canada came from Asia 70,000 to 12,000 years ago, via a land bridge now covered by the Bering Sea. The “First Nations” spread across…

DK Science: Earthquakes

FAULTSEISMOLOGYFIND OUT MOREEarthquakes are caused by movements of the giant tectonic plates that form Earth’s crust. SEISMOLOGY is the study of earthquakes. Most occur at cracks called…

Harrison, Benjamin, President of the United States

(Encyclopedia) Harrison, Benjamin, 1833–1901, 23d President of the United States (1889–93), b. North Bend, Ohio, grad. Miami Univ. (Ohio), 1852; grandson of William Henry Harrison. After reading law…


(Encyclopedia) Hawran or HauranHawranhouränˈ [key] [Heb.,=hollow or cavernous land], region, SW Syria. It is a largely treeless area marked by conical volcanic peaks, barren lava fields, and rich…

Orbiting Geophysical Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO), series of six orbiting observatories (see observatory, orbiting) launched between 1964 and 1969 by the National Aeronautics and Space…

Smith, Jedediah Strong

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Jedediah Strong, 1799–1831, American explorer, one of the greatest of the mountain men, b. near Binghamton, N.Y. Early in 1824, Smith took a party through South Pass, beginning…

Roca, Julio Argentino

(Encyclopedia) Roca, Julio ArgentinoRoca, Julio Argentinoh&oomacr;ˈlyō ärhāntēˈnō rōˈkä [key], 1843–1914, general who became president of Argentina (1880–86, 1898–1904). Minister of war under…


(Encyclopedia) gerrymandergerrymanderjĕrˈēmănˌdər, gĕr– [key], in politics, rearrangement of voting districts so as to favor the party in power. The objective is to create as many districts as…


(Encyclopedia) PotomacPotomacpətōˈmək [key], river, 285 mi (459 km) long, formed SE of Cumberland, Md., by the confluence of its North and South branches and flowing generally SE to Chesapeake Bay.…

air mass

(Encyclopedia) air mass, large body of air within the earth's atmosphere in which temperature and humidity, although varying at different heights, remain similar throughout the body at any one height…