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Slidell, John

(Encyclopedia) Slidell, JohnSlidell, Johnslīdĕlˈ, slīˈdəl [key], 1793–1871, American political leader and diplomat, b. New York City. He became a prominent lawyer and political figure in New Orleans…

Sikh Wars

(Encyclopedia) Sikh Wars (1845–49), two conflicts preceding the British annexation of the Punjab. By a treaty with the British in 1809, the Sikh ruler of the Punjab, Ranjit Singh, had accepted the…

DK Science: Volcanoes

PAHOEHOE LAVAAA LAVAHYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITYFIND OUT MOREVolcanoes are vents (openings) in the ground from which magma (molten rock), ash, gas, and rock fragments surge upwards, in an event…

El Paso, Tex.

Mayor: Oscar Leeser (to 2017)2010 census population (rank): 649,121 (19); Male: 311,280 (48.0%); Female: 337,841 (52.0%); White: 524,764 (80.8%); Black: 22,006 (3.4%); American Indian and Alaska…

San Francisco Earthquake: 1906

The worst natural disaster in U.S. history by Chris Frantz San Francisco, California, April 1906 Related Links Almanac: San FranciscoSan Francisco Census Facts: 1906 Versus TodayAll About…

cricket, sport

(Encyclopedia) cricket, ball-and-bat game played chiefly in Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries. In the early 21st cent., Twenty20, a new version of cricket with a much faster, more…

Harney, William Selby

(Encyclopedia) Harney, William Selby, 1800–1889, American general, b. Haysboro, near Nashville, Tenn. He entered the army in 1818 and gained a colonel's rank in the Florida campaigns against Native…