civil rights leaderBorn: 1920Birthplace: Marshall, Tex. The son of a preacher, Farmer attended Howard University's School of Divinity. In 1942 he founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), a…
U.S. Department of State Background Note
People Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Liberia Relations
Portuguese explorers established contacts…
Slime MoldsOrigin of Prokaryotes and EukaryotesIntroductionOrigin of ProkaryotesEukaryote EvolutionProtistsSlime Molds Slime molds are interesting because they have a dual identity, each with…
Quantum PotentialTheories of the UniverseThe Universe As a HologramAction at a DistanceQuantum PotentialThe Importance of WholenessOrdered RealityThe Holographic Universe Universal Constants…
lawyer, civil rights leaderBorn: 3/9/1922Birthplace: Asheville, North Carolina Upon graduating from Morehouse College, McKissick became the first Black person to study at North Carolina Law School.…
(Encyclopedia) bastard, person born out of wedlock whose legal status is illegitimacy. In civil law countries and in about half the states of the United States, the union of the parents in marriage…
Notable African-American Religious Leaders
Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders Religious…
Read about the Wye Accord, Israel's 60th Anniversary, and more
Biographies Key Palestinian Figures Mahmoud Abbas Yasir Arafat Sala Fayyad Ismail Haniya Sheik…
1963 World | US | Sports | Entertainment | Deaths | Year in Science World Events World StatisticsPopulation: 4,123,678population by decadeLiteracy: 44%more world statistics... Nov.…