Germany's Greatest -IsmMovies and FilmGermany's Film HistoryGermany's Greatest -IsmHitler's Hired HelpA Few Young MenRoads Not Taken: Film in East GermanyUnification and Beyond In 1919, world…
(Encyclopedia) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans., case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954. Linda Brown was denied admission to her local elementary school in Topeka because she was…
Mississippi State Facts
Organized as territory: April 7, 1798Entered Union: Dec. 10, 1817 (20th State)Present constitution adopted: 1890
Fun Facts
State abbreviation/Postal code: Miss./MSNickname…
When Is a Movie a Film?Movies and FilmWhen Is a Movie a Film?Taking in a Movie vs. Watching a FilmHow to Watch a Flick as If It Were a Film These are impossible questions to answer with any degree…
(Encyclopedia) Kefauver, Carey EstesKefauver, Carey Esteskēfôvər [key], 1903–63, U.S. Senator from Tennessee (1949–63), b. Madisonville, Tenn., known as Estes Kefauver. He became a Chattanooga lawyer…
(Encyclopedia) Bowles, Chester BlissBowles, Chester Blissbōlz [key], 1901–86, U.S. public official, b. Springfield, Mass.; grandson of Samuel Bowles (1851–1915). At first a journalist and an…
(Encyclopedia) Moon Jae-in, 1953–, South Korean political leader, president of South Korea (2017–). The son of North Korean refugees, Moon studied law at Kyung Hee Univ. but was expelled twice for…
(Encyclopedia) women's clubs, groups that offer social, recreational, and cultural activities for adult females. Particularly strong in the United States, they became an important part of American…
(Encyclopedia) flagellantsflagellantsflăjˈələnts, fləjĕlˈənts [key], term applied to the groups of Christians who practiced public flagellation as a penance. The practice supposedly grew out of the…