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Ismail Pasha

(Encyclopedia)Ismail Pasha ĭsˌmäēl päshäˈ [key], 1830–95, ruler of Egypt (1863–79), son of Ibrahim Pasha. He succeeded his uncle Said Pasha as ruler. Ismail used the Egyptian cotton crop, enormously enha...


(Encyclopedia)Genubath gēnyo͞oˈbăth [key], in the Bible, son of the exile Hadad and an Egyptian princess. He was reared with Pharaoh's sons. ...


(Encyclopedia)Rameses or Ramesses. 1 For ancient Egyptian kings thus named, use Ramses. 2 For Ramses in the Bible, see Raamses. ...

Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d earl of

(Encyclopedia)Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d earl of, 1694–1753, English patron and architect of the Neo-Palladian movement. Even before age 21, when he became a member of the Privy Council and Lord High Treasurer...


(Encyclopedia)Anubis əno͞oˈbĭs [key], Egyptian god of the dead. He presided over the embalming of the dead and is represented as a jackal-, wolf-, or dog-headed man. ...


(Encyclopedia)Kurdufan kôrˌdəfănˈ [key], region (1983 pop. 3,093,294), S central Sudan. Kurdufan is divided into Northern and Southern Kurdufan states. Its terrain, generally level in the north, rises in the s...


(Encyclopedia)Mahdi mäˈdē [key] [Arab.,=he who is divinely guided], in Sunni Islam, the restorer of the faith. He will appear at the end of time to restore justice on earth and establish universal Islam. The Mah...

Bohigas, Oriol

(Encyclopedia) Bohigas, Oriol, 1925-2021, Spanish modernist architect, b. Barcelona, Spain, as Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de...

Pugin, Augustus Charles

(Encyclopedia)Pugin, Augustus Charles pyo͞oˈjĭn [key], 1762–1832, English writer on medieval architecture, b. France. His writings and drawings furnished a mass of working material for the architects of the Go...


(Encyclopedia)Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio) vĭtro͞oˈvēəs [key], fl. late 1st cent. b.c. and early 1st cent. a.d., Roman writer, engineer, and architect for the Emperor Augustus. In his one extant work, D...

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