Columbia Encyclopedia

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Adler, Dankmar

(Encyclopedia)Adler, Dankmar, 1844–1900, American architect who, as a partner of Louis Sullivan, was an important influence on modern American architecture. Born in Germany, he immigrated to the United States at ...


(Encyclopedia)On ŏn [key], in the Bible. 1 Reubenite conspirator in Korah's revolt. 2 The Egyptian Heliopolis. ...


(Encyclopedia)Rafa or Rafah both: räˈfä [key], town in the present Gaza Strip on the Egyptian border. The ancient name was Raphia. There in 217 b.c., Ptolemy IV defeated Antiochus III. ...


(Encyclopedia)module. 1 Term derived from the Latin modulus, a unit of measure in classical architecture equal to half the diameter of a column at its base. This unit was used in proportioning the classical orders ...

Arms, John Taylor

(Encyclopedia)Arms, John Taylor, 1887–1953, American etcher and draftsman, b. Washington, D.C. He studied architecture, but later he devoted himself to etching and became noted for his excellent studies of mediev...

Victorian style

(Encyclopedia)Victorian style, in British and American architecture, an eclectic mode based on the revival of older styles, often in new combinations. Although the style is named after the reign (1837–1901) of Qu...

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel

(Encyclopedia)Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel özhĕnˈ ĕmänüĕlˈ vyôlāˈ-lə-dük [key], 1814–79, French architect and writer. He was the most prominent exponent of the Gothic revival in France, and was i...

Hamitic languages

(Encyclopedia)Hamitic languages, subfamily of the Hamito-Semitic family of languages, a now-abandoned system of classification for languages of N Africa and SW Asia. The Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, and (sometimes) ...

Pyramids, battle of

(Encyclopedia)Pyramids, battle of, July, 1798, during the French Revolutionary Wars, battle fought between the French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte and the Egyptian Mamluks led by Murad Bey. Napoleon's victory ga...


(Encyclopedia)Hyksos hĭkˈsōs [key] [Egyptian,=rulers of foreign lands], invaders of ancient Egypt, now substantiated as the XV–XVIII dynasties. They were a northwestern Semitic (Canaanite or Amorite) people wh...

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