Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Charles of Viana

(Encyclopedia)Charles of Viana vēäˈnä [key], 1421–61, Spanish prince, heir of Navarre; son of Blanche of Navarre and John (later John II) of Aragón. After his mother's death (1441) he ruled Navarre for his f...

Schildkraut, Rudolph

(Encyclopedia)Schildkraut, Rudolph shĭltˈkrout [key], 1862–1930, Austrian actor. He was a member of Max Reinhardt's Deutsches Theater, Berlin. In 1911 he came to the United States and until 1922 was a star of t...


(Encyclopedia)Teucer tyo͞oˈsər [key], in Greek mythology. 1 Ancestor and king of the Trojans, who are also called the Teucri. He was the father-in-law of Dardanus. 2 Son of Telamon and Hesione. He was the greate...

Zephaniah, prophet in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Zephaniah zĕfˌənīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Prophet, author of the book of Zephaniah. 2 Father of Hen. 3 Father of Josiah (2.) 4 Singer. 5 Important priest at the time of the Captivity. ...

Ssu-ma Ch'ien

(Encyclopedia)Ssu-ma Ch'ien so͝oˈmä chyĕn [key], 145?–90? b.c., Chinese historian; sometimes called the Father of Chinese History. He succeeded his father, Ssu-ma T'an, as grand historian (an office then deal...

Vassar, Matthew

(Encyclopedia)Vassar, Matthew văsˈər [key], 1792–1868, American philanthropist, founder of Vassar College, b. England. He emigrated to the United States with his father in 1796. In 1811, after his father's suc...

Taylor, Edward Thompson

(Encyclopedia)Taylor, Edward Thompson, 1793–1871, American Methodist missionary preacher among seamen, known as Father Taylor, b. Richmond, Va. He was licensed in 1814 to preach and ordained in 1819 in the Method...

Taglioni, Maria

(Encyclopedia)Taglioni, Maria, 1804–84, Italian ballerina, b. Stockholm. Taglioni is considered the first and foremost ballerina of the romantic period. She made her debut in Vienna in 1822 in a ballet created fo...


(Encyclopedia)Baudouin bōdo͞oăNˈ [key], 1930–93, king of the Belgians (1951–93), son of Leopold III. He joined his father in exile (1945–50) in Switzerland. After their return to Belgium his father's unpo...

Cadorna, Luigi

(Encyclopedia)Cadorna, Luigi lo͞oēˈjē kädôrˈnä [key], 1850–1928, Italian field marshal. His father, Raffaele Cadorna, was a general in the wars of the Risorgimento and took Rome in 1870. Luigi Cadorna, a ...

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