Columbia Encyclopedia

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Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus

(Encyclopedia)Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus zhôzĕfˈ prôzhĕktüsˈ mäshböfˈ [key], 1812–89, French missionary in the American Southwest, a Roman Catholic priest. He was a friend and associate of Jean Baptist...

Lord's Prayer

(Encyclopedia)Lord's Prayer or Our Father, the principal Christian prayer that Jesus in the New Testament (Mat. 6.9–13; Luke 11.2–4) taught his followers, beginning, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your na...

Louis, titular duke of Burgundy

(Encyclopedia)Louis, 1682–1712, titular duke of Burgundy; grandson of King Louis XIV of France. He became heir to the throne on the death (1711) of his father, Louis the Great Dauphin. François de Fénelon was h...


(Encyclopedia)Ixion ĭkˈsēən [key], in Greek mythology, king of the Lapithes. Ixion murdered his father-in-law to avoid paying a price for his bride. When no one on earth would purify him, Zeus took Ixion to Oly...


(Encyclopedia)Isabel, 1846–1921, princess imperial of Brazil; eldest daughter of Pedro II. She acted as regent in her father's absence. Her marriage to the comte d'Eu added to her own unpopularity and probably co...


(Encyclopedia)Elah ēˈlə [key], in the Bible. 1 King of Israel, son and successor of Baasha. He was murdered, and succeeded, by Zimri. 2 Father of Hoshea, last king of Israel. 3 Duke of Edom. 4 Father of one of S...


(Encyclopedia)Maaseiah māˌəsēˈyə [key], in the Bible. 1 Musician under David. 2 Captain who aided the restoration of Joash. 3 Officer of King Uzziah. 4 Son of King Ahaz. 5 Man charged by Josiah with repairing...


(Encyclopedia)Gallienus (Publius Licinius Valerianus Egnatius) gălˌīēˈnəs [key], d. 268, Roman emperor. He ruled as the colleague (253–60) of his father, Valerian, and alone (260–68). When his father was ...


(Encyclopedia)Bolyai bōˈlyoi [key], family of Hungarian mathematicians. The father, Farkas, or Wolfgang, Bolyai, 1775–1856, b. Bolya, Transylvania, was educated in Nagyszeben from 1781 to 1796 and studied in Ge...

Bond, George Phillips

(Encyclopedia)Bond, George Phillips, 1825–65, American astronomer, b. near Boston, grad. Harvard, 1845. He became the assistant of his father, William Cranch Bond, and in 1859 succeeded him as director of the Har...

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