Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)chowder, stew of fish or shellfish with potatoes, onions, and pork (usually salt pork), thickened with crumbled hard bread. The name chowder seems to have originated from the French word chaudière (a...

Chevalier, Michel

(Encyclopedia)Chevalier, Michel shəvälyāˈ [key], 1806–79, French economist. An ardent Saint-Simonian as a youth, he later favored a form of welfare capitalism. He advocated industrial development as the key ...

Failly, Pierre Louis Charles de

(Encyclopedia)Failly, Pierre Louis Charles de pyĕr lwē shärl də fāyēˈ [key], 1810–92, French general. He fought in Algeria, in the Crimean War, and at Magenta and Solferino (1859) in the Italian War. Headi...

Hermite, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Hermite, Charles shärl ĕrmētˈ [key], 1822–1901, French mathematician. A professor at the École polytechnique, Paris (1869–76), and at the Faculty of Sciences (1869–97), he exerted a strong ...

Anquetil, Jacques

(Encyclopedia)Anquetil, Jacques zhäk äNkətēlˈ [key], 1934–87, French bicycle racer, b. Mont-Saint-Aignan, Normandy. Beginning to race in 1951, he won the French amateur championship a year later. Anquetil wa...

Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Baron lwē bĕrnärˈ bärôNˈ gētôNˈ də môrvōˈ [key], 1737–1816, French chemist and lawyer. He wrote the chemical section of the Encyclopédie méthodique ...

Gossec, François Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Gossec, François Joseph fräNswäˈ zhôzĕfˈ gôsĕkˈ [key], 1734–1829, Belgian composer; pupil of Rameau. In 1784 he organized the École Royale de Chant and taught (1795–1816) composition at...

Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de

(Encyclopedia)Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de ĕmänüĕlˈ märkēˈ də gro͞oshēˈ [key], 1766–1847, French general in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. He was made a marshal after Napoleon's return...


(Encyclopedia)Nostradamus nŏsˌtrədāˈməs [key], 1503–66, French astrologer and physician, whose real name was Michel de Nostredame. He is reputed to have effected remarkable cures during outbreaks of the pla...

Nivelle, Robert Georges

(Encyclopedia)Nivelle, Robert Georges rôbĕrˈ zhôrzh nēvĕlˈ [key], 1856–1924, French general. His services in World War I gained him the post of chief assistant to General Pétain at Verdun, and he was late...

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