Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Éluard, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Éluard, Paul pōl ālüärˈ [key], 1895–1952, French poet. He was a leading exponent of surrealism. Among his volumes of verse are Mourir de ne pas mourir [to die of not dying] (1924) and L'Immacu...

Franchet d'Esperey, Louis Félix Marie François

(Encyclopedia)Franchet d'Esperey, Louis Félix Marie François lwē fālēksˈ märēˈ fräNswäˈ fräNshāˈ dāpərāˈ [key], 1856–1942, marshal of France. He commanded the French 5th army in the battle of t...

Iriarte, Tomás de

(Encyclopedia)Iriarte, Tomás de tōmäsˈ dā ēryärˈtā [key], 1750–91, Spanish poet and dramatist, b. Canary Islands. He spent most of his life in Madrid, where, like many of his contemporaries, he engaged i...

Hamilton, Anthony

(Encyclopedia)Hamilton, Anthony, 1646?–1720, French author of Scottish descent, b. Ireland. He spent much time in France, where he became a master of the French language. He fought in the Dutch Wars for Louis XIV...

Angoulême, Marie Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d'

(Encyclopedia)Angoulême, Marie Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d' däNgo͞olĕmˈ [key], 1778–1851, wife of Louis Antoine d'Angoulême; daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. She was imprisoned (1792–95) d...

Foix, Gaston de

(Encyclopedia)Foix, Gaston de gästôNˈ də fwä [key], 1489–1512, duc de Nemours, French general in the Italian Wars; nephew of King Louis XII. As commander of the French army in Italy in 1512, he proved his ou...

Muhammad V, king of Morocco

(Encyclopedia)Muhammad V (Sidi Muhammad ibn Youssef), 1910–61, king of Morocco (1957–61). He succeeded his father, Moulay Youssef, as sultan in 1927. An ardent nationalist, he was deposed and exiled (1953) by t...

Marmontel, Jean François

(Encyclopedia)Marmontel, Jean François zhäN fräNswäˈ märmôNtĕlˈ [key], 1723–99, French critic, dramatist, and story writer, contributor to Diderot's Encyclopédie. Educated by the Jesuits, he taught in J...

Le Duan

(Encyclopedia)Le Duan lā dwän [key], 1908–86, Vietnamese Communist party leader. Imprisoned by the French colonial regime, he organized Communist forces in the South after the French withdrawal from Vietnam in ...

Kloster-Zeven, Convention of

(Encyclopedia)Kloster-Zeven, Convention of klôsˈtər-tsāˈfən [key], 1757. Early in the Seven Years War the English army, under the command of the duke of Cumberland, son of George II, was defeated by the Frenc...

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