Columbia Encyclopedia

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226 results found

Grégoire, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Grégoire, Henri äNrēˈ grāgwärˈ [key], 1750–1831, French priest, writer, and revolutionist. A Jansenist (see under Jansen, Cornelis), he was prominent in the States-General of 1789 and support...

Focillon, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Focillon, Henri äNrēˈ fôsēyôNˈ [key], 1881–1943, French art historian. Focillon, who was professor of art history at the Collège de France, was an authority on medieval art, the subject of h...

Monnier, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Monnier, Henri äNrēˈ mônyāˈ [key], 1799–1877, French lithographer and writer. His work became popular (c.1825) when he illustrated La Fontaine's Fables with pen drawings. He wrote and illustra...

Arnaud, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Arnaud, Henri äNrēˈ ärnōˈ [key], 1641–1721, pastor and leader of the Waldenses. When Victor Amadeus II, duke of Savoy, in league with the French, set out to expel the Waldenses, Arnaud led (16...

Matisse, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Matisse, Henri äNrēˈ mätēsˈ [key], 1869–1954, French painter, sculptor, and lithographer. Along with Picasso, Matisse is considered one of the two foremost artists of the modern period. His co...

Labrouste, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Labrouste, Henri äNrēˈ läbro͞ostˈ [key], 1801–75, French architect. He was among the first to make effective architectural use of metal construction, as in his treatment of the reading room of...

Bourassa, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Bourassa, Henri äNrēˈ bo͞oräsäˈ [key], 1868–1952, Canadian political leader and publisher, b. Montreal; grandson of Louis Joseph Papineau. He was elected as an Independent Liberal to the Cana...

Breuil, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Breuil, Henri äbāˈ [key], 1877–1961, French archaeologist, paleontologist, and cleric. He taught at the Institut de paléontologie humaine, Paris, after 1910. During much of his lifetime, Breuil ...

Bergson, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Bergson, Henri äNrēˈ bĕrgsôNˈ [key], 1859–1941, French philosopher. He became a professor at the Collège de France in 1900, devoted some time to politics, and, after World War I, took an inte...

Troyat, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Troyat, Henri ŏ–rēˈ trôtäˈ [key], 1911–2007, French novelist and biographer, b. Moscow as Lev Aslanovich Tarassov. He and his family fled the Russian Revolution and settled (1911) in Paris. ...

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