Columbia Encyclopedia

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226 results found

Fischer, Edmond Henri

(Encyclopedia)Fischer, Edmond Henri, 1920–, American biochemist, b. Shanghai, China. As researchers at the Univ. of Washington in Seattle, Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs discovered a biological regulatory mechanism, ...

Fabre, Jean Henri

(Encyclopedia)Fabre, Jean Henri zhäN äNrēˈ fäˈbrə [key], 1823–1915, French entomologist and author. He is known for his observations on insects and his study of their behavior. Fabre demonstrated the impor...

Amiel, Henri Frédéric

(Encyclopedia)Amiel, Henri Frédéric äNrēˈ frādārēkˈ ämyĕlˈ [key], 1821–81, Swiss critic. He was unsuccessful and unnoticed during his life, but the posthumous publication of his Journal intime (1883, ...

Giraud, Henri Honoré

(Encyclopedia)Giraud, Henri Honoré äNrēˈ ōnôrāˈ zhērōˈ [key], 1879–1949, French general. He served in World War I and in the campaign in Morocco (1925–26). A commander in World War II, he was capture...

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri äNrēˈ gōdyāˈ-bərzĕskäˈ [key], 1891–1915, French sculptor. He was the chief exponent of vorticism in sculpture. Mainly self-taught in England and Germany, Gaudier sho...

Jomini, Antoine Henri

(Encyclopedia)Jomini, Antoine Henri äNtwänˈ äNrēˈ zhômēnēˈ [key], 1779–1869, Swiss general and military writer. He organized (1799) the militia of the Helvetic Republic and after 1804 served as staff of...

Milne-Edwards, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Milne-Edwards, Henri äNrēˈ mēlˌnādwärsˈ [key], 1800–1885, French naturalist. He became professor at the Sorbonne (1843) and served at the Museum of Natural History, Paris, as professor (from...

Montherlant, Henri de

(Encyclopedia)Montherlant, Henri de äNrēˈ də môNtĕrläNˈ [key], 1896–1972, French writer. His novels are decadent and egotistical and glorify force and masculinity. Montherlant fought in World War I and wa...

Lartigue, Jacques Henri

(Encyclopedia)Lartigue, Jacques Henri zhäk äNrēˈ lärtēgˈ [key], 1894–1986, French photographer. The first exhibition of Lartigue's work, at New York City's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in 1962, revealed a r...

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