Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Huizinga, Johan

(Encyclopedia)Huizinga, Johan yōhänˈ hoiˈzĭngə [key], 1872–1945, Dutch historian. He began his academic career in Indian literature, but his reputation rests on his work in the cultural history of the late ...


(Encyclopedia)identity, in philosophy, problem of distinguishing sameness from change, or unity from diversity; primarily examined in connection with personal identity, universals, and the law of identity in logic....

Hook, Sidney

(Encyclopedia)Hook, Sidney, 1902–89, American philosopher, b. New York City, grad. City College (B.S., 1923), Ph.D. Columbia Univ., 1927. He taught at New York Univ. (1927–72) and was long head of its philosoph...

Hirsch, Emil Gustav

(Encyclopedia)Hirsch, Emil Gustav hûrsh [key], 1851–1923, American rabbi, b. Luxembourg. He was rabbi in Baltimore and Louisville, Ky., but is best known for his work as rabbi of the Sinai congregation of Chicag...


(Encyclopedia)Jami jäˈmē [key], 1414–92, Persian poet, b. Jam, near Herat. His full name was Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami. His poetic influence was widespread. Nearly 100 works are attributed to him, of which...

Megarian school

(Encyclopedia)Megarian school, Greek school of philosophy at Mégara from late 5th cent. to early 3d cent. b.c. Influenced by the Eleatic school and by Socrates, it was known for its interest in logic and for argum...

More, Henry

(Encyclopedia)More, Henry, 1614–87, English philosopher, one of the foremost representatives of the school of Cambridge Platonists. His writings emphasized the mystical and theosophic phases of that philosophy, a...

Moscow State University

(Encyclopedia)Moscow State University, at Moscow, Russia, officially M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.; founded 1755 as Moscow Univ. by the Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov, renamed Moscow State Univ. after the R...

MacCracken, Henry Mitchell

(Encyclopedia)MacCracken, Henry Mitchell, 1840–1918, American educator, b. Oxford, Ohio, grad. Miami Univ. (Ohio), 1857. After a brief teaching career MacCracken entered the Presbyterian ministry in 1863. From 18...

Martínez de la Rosa, Francisco

(Encyclopedia)Martínez de la Rosa, Francisco fränthēsˈkō märtēˈnĕth dā lä rōˈsä [key], 1787–1862, Spanish dramatic poet, statesman, and historian. He was an outspoken liberal professor of philosophy...

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