Columbia Encyclopedia

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377 results found

Khingan, Great

(Encyclopedia)Khingan, Great, mountain range, China: see Hinggan Ling, Da. ...

Cagliostro, Alessandro, Conte di

(Encyclopedia)Cagliostro, Alessandro, Conte di älĕs-sänˈdrō kōnˈtā dē kälyōˈstrō [key], 1743–95, Italian adventurer, magician, and alchemist, whose real name was Giuseppe Balsamo. After early misadve...


(Encyclopedia)Montefeltro mōntāfĕlˈtrō [key], Italian noble family. Its members were noted patrons of art and traditionally opposed the papacy in the struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines. The county of Mon...

Roosevelt, river, Brazil

(Encyclopedia)Roosevelt, river, c.400 mi (640 km) long, NW Brazil. It was called the Rio da Dúvida [River of Doubt] until it was explored by Theodore Roosevelt in 1913. Renamed in his honor, it is occasionally cal...


(Encyclopedia)Frankfort, city (2020 pop. 28,602), state capital and seat of Franklin co., N central Ky., on both sides of the Kentucky River, in the heart of the blue...


(Encyclopedia)Amboise äNbwäzˈ [key], town, Indre-et-Loire dept., N central France, in Touraine, on the Loire. It is a wine and wool market, and its manufactures include sporting good...

Ağri Daği

(Encyclopedia)Ağri Daği ärŭˈ dä-ŭˈ [key]: see Ararat. ...

Ras Dashen

(Encyclopedia)Ras Dashen räs dä-shĕnˈ [key], highest peak of Ethiopia, 15,158 ft (4,620 m) high, N Amhara Plateau, E Africa. It is of volcanic origin and has many craters. ...

Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie

(Encyclopedia)Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie (Lord Clark of Saltwood), 1903–83, English art historian, studied Oxford. After working with Bernard Berenson in Florence, Clark was keeper of the department of fine art at ...

Chu Ta

(Encyclopedia)Chu Ta or Zhu Da both: jo͞o dä [key], c.1626–c.1705, Chinese painter and calligrapher, also known as Pa-ta-shan-jen or Bada Shanren. Said to have been a descendant of the imperial Ming family, he ...

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