Columbia Encyclopedia

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377 results found


(Encyclopedia)Malindi mälĭnˈdē [key], town, SE Kenya, on the Indian Ocean. It is a beach resort and a commercial center. Probably founded in the 10th cent. by Arab traders, Malindi became an important city-stat...

Boker, George Henry

(Encyclopedia)Boker, George Henry bōˈkər [key], 1823–90, American poet and playwright, b. Philadelphia, grad. Princeton, 1842. He is best remembered for his romantic and heroic tragedies, written in the manner...


(Encyclopedia)Guimarães gēməräNshˈ [key], city (1991 est. pop. 48,200), Braga dist., NW Portugal, in Minho. It has textile and cutlery manufactures, but its main importance is historical. The town was the seat...

Neruda, Jan

(Encyclopedia)Neruda, Jan yän nĕˈro͝odä [key], 1834–91, Czech essayist and poet, b. Prague. His popular Stories from Malá Strana (1878), tales drawn from his childhood in Prague and satiric portraits of mem...

Lorenzo di Credi

(Encyclopedia)Lorenzo di Credi lōrĕnˈtsō dē krĕˈdē [key], 1459–1537, Florentine painter. He spent his early years in the workshop of Verrocchio, whom he assisted in the painting of an altarpiece at the Ca...

Wiesel, Torsten Nils

(Encyclopedia)Wiesel, Torsten Nils, 1924–, Swedish neurobiologist, b. Uppsala, Sweden. After earning a degree in medicine from Karolinska Univ., Stockholm (1954), he took a research position at Johns Hopkins, whe...


(Encyclopedia)Bergognone bôr– [key], fl. 1450–1523, Italian painter, known also as Ambrogio Stefani da Fossano. His most important works are the frescoes in the Certosa of Pavia. His luminous and often charmin...

Sperry, Roger Wolcott

(Encyclopedia)Sperry, Roger Wolcott, 1913–94, American biologist, b. Hartford, Conn., Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1941. He studied zoology before teaching biology at the Univ. of Chicago (1946–52) and the Californi...

Albuquerque, Afonso de

(Encyclopedia)Albuquerque, Afonso de əfôNˈzō dĭ əlbo͞okĕrˈkə, –də älˌbəkĕrˈkə [key], 1453–1515, Portuguese admiral, the effective founder of the Portuguese Empire in the East. He first went to ...


(Encyclopedia)Malatesta mälätĕˈstä [key], Italian family, ruling Rimini and nearby cities for almost 300 years from the 13th to 16th cent. Malatesta da Verucchio (d. 1312), a powerful Guelph leader, became (12...

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