Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Santiago de Cuba

(Encyclopedia)Santiago de Cuba ᵺā ko͞oˈbä [key], city (1994 est. pop. 385,800), capital of Santiago de Cuba prov., SE Cuba. Cuba's second largest city, Santiago is situated on a cliff overlooking a bay. The c...

Régnier, Henri de

(Encyclopedia)Régnier, Henri de äNrēˈ də rānyāˈ [key], 1864–1936, French poet, one of the young symbolists of the circle of Mallarmé. His early Poèmes anciens et romanesques (1891) showed skill in free ...

Balzac, Honoré de

(Encyclopedia)Balzac, Honoré de bălˈzăk, bôl–, Fr. ōnôrāˈ də bälzäkˈ [key], 1799–1850, French novelist, b. Tours. Balzac ranks among the great masters of the novel. Of a bourgeois family, he himsel...

Resende, Garcia de

(Encyclopedia)Resende, Garcia de gərsēˈə də rəzĕnˈdə [key], c.1470–1536, Portuguese poet and chronicler. Resende's Cancioneiro geral (1516) is a compilation of the court poetry of his day, the best of wh...

Sitter, Willem de

(Encyclopedia)Sitter, Willem de vĭlˈəm də sĭtˈər [key], 1872–1934, Dutch astronomer and mathematician. He was professor from 1908 at the Univ. of Leiden and in 1919 became director of its observatory. His ...

Sponde, Jean de

(Encyclopedia)Sponde, Jean de zhäN də spôNd [key], 1557–95, French poet and humanist. He held various posts in the court of Henry IV but died destitute because of his reckless nature. His Sonnets of Love and D...

Staël, Nicholas de

(Encyclopedia)Staël, Nicholas de nēkôläˈ də stäl [key], 1914–55, French painter, b. St. Petersburg, Russia. Reared in Brussels, he traveled extensively before settling in France in 1940. De Staël evolved ...

Siger de Brabant

(Encyclopedia)Siger de Brabant sēzhāˈ də bräbäNˈ [key], fl. 1260–77, French theologian, head of the movement known as Latin Averroism. At the Univ. of Paris he taught that the individual soul had no immort...

Silvestre de Sacy

(Encyclopedia)Silvestre de Sacy: see Sacy, Antoine Isaac, Baron Silvestre de. ...

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